Better known as “things that will make your job easier and more productive."
1. Site Cloning
Do you wish to clone your event site from year to year or from event-to-event? Many clients used cloning on the original TRS platform (and liked it) and now myTRS offers even more “copy” options:
Option A. Clone without activities: Recommended if your activities are very different from one site to another but you would like to keep the sites instructions, email wording, custom fields, etc.
Option B. Clone with activities: Clone the entire site including all the activities and timeslots. You will need to edit activities to update the dates/times.
Directions to clone a site:
Cloning is a feature only accessible by TRS staff. Please advise your account manager that you are in need of a site, the date it is needed (please provide reasonable notice) and the following information:
Name of original site to clone.
Name of new site.
Subdomain for the new site (eg: NewSite.my-trs.com, ABCevent.my-trs.com). You must select the prefix that goes before my-trs.com.
If you want to clone with or without activities.
Fee: Please note that cloning is an add-on feature. You will be billed a $150 cloning charge for 1 contract year for all your existing sites. You will be billed per year not per site.
2. Site Status
Having trouble keeping your sites organized? Is my site still in build mode or is it live? Now you can change your site status and track your progress.
The status options are:
Building: The default status shows you are building your site.
Testing: Shows that you are testing your site. This is just a status, not a “Test Mode”. So if you register people or run payments they are NOT in test. Registering or running payments in the test status is the equivalent of live registrants. You will still need to delete test registrants prior to going live.
Live: You are linking the TRS site to your website and sending the URL out to your e-mail list. Time to register. The site is live and actively taking registrations. Update the status to live.
Closed: When your event is over and you are done using the site, please change the site status to closed.
Site status will show on the admin dashboard. We also added filters (search) to only display sites with a specific status. You only want the cards for your live sites? Filter the Event Group by Live.
Directions to change site status:
Go to your dashboard
Select a site card
Click on general settings
Change the site status
Fee: None, this feature is part of your on-going updates to myTRS.
3. Event Groups
Introducing the new Event Group feature! You can now group sites by different categories (eg. region, type of event, year). Create your own event groups and assign sites to them. One site can belong to multiple event groups.
This is an easy way to organize your dashboard and sort by event groups. In the near future you will also have the capability to run reports by event group. Event groups is a major step towards introducing cross event and historical reports.
Create event groups - You can create an event group by going to the new Tab at the top right of your screen.
Directions to create event groups:
Click on event group.
Go to add new.
Enter the name of your event group and select the sites you want to link to it.
Fee: None. This feature is part of ongoing updates to myTRS.
Once you create your event groups, you will only be able to display sites from a specific group on your dashboard.
4. Activities Notes
Many clients expressed interest in adding more information to the confirmation email based on the activities selected by registrants.
This additional information in the confirmation e-mail could include:
Where to go for this activity
Background check needed
Parking directions and pass
This information will only be displayed in the confirmation email.
Directions to add additional information or directions:
Edit an activity.
Click on the Notes tab
Enter the note (eg directions, background check needed, parking info, other)
5. TRS Integration with Background Check
We’ve built a robust integration to make the registration/background check a seamless process with our partner, Verified Volunteers (VV).
The VV + TRS integration allows the volunteer to register and to complete the background check application during a single session. The integration also feeds the background check results from VV into TRS. You will no longer have to run several reports in 2 different systems and manually update the background check status in myTRS! Want to learn more about the integration? Click on this link for a detailed description.
The feature is very flexible as each of our clients has specific needs in screening volunteers at different priority levels. These priority levels equate to different package IDs. Confused? Don’t worry we will guide you through the process.
Set up
Ready to start the background check integration? Let your TRS account rep know. We will connect with your VV rep to exchange the key information needed to turn on the API (integration).
Then we will enter the Verified Volunteers package IDs into TRS. Package IDs are simply the level of priority and type of screening you want for specific volunteer groups. If you have multiple package IDs, we will order them from the highest to the lowest screening. This screening order is very important to ensure the correct information is sent to Verified Volunteers.
Once the Verified Volunteers package IDs are set in myTRS, you will link each activity and registrant type to the right package by following these steps:
Click on Edit in site building
Go to Activity Tab
Check Registrant Type
Select the registrant types and package
You will repeat the process for all the activities that require volunteer screening.
Volunteer Flow
Volunteers will register on myTRS following the usual path:
Select registrant type
Check activities
Create or login to account
Complete profile page
If the volunteer selects a registrant type or activity that requires background check, the date of birth field will automatically populate the profile page. This field will be sent to VV through the API (integration).
The volunteers will complete the terms and conditions and review/confirmation pages.
When the volunteers click on the green CONFIRM button, instead of being sent to the Confirmation page, they will be sent to the Verified Volunteers Background Check Page.
Volunteer will identify themselves on VV by re-entering the email address, zip code and date of birth used to originally register on TRS.
Volunteers will then follow the steps on VV to submit their backgrounds checks.
Important Notes
Only volunteers over 18 years old can be screened through the API (integration).
Only US residents can be screened through the API (integration).
The email address, zip code, date of birth and legal name need to be entered properly on TRS as these fields carry over to VV and are critical for screening identification match.
Volunteers will NOT receive a TRS confirmation email UNTIL they complete their background check process.
If a volunteer stops the background check process before completing it, they can log back into TRS on their dashboard and click the resubmit Background Check button to start again.
As soon as volunteers complete their background checks, Verified Volunteers sends the status and results to myTRS. We’ve added easy filters so you can find the status and results in your registration report.
Q: What does the report look like?
A: Under filters, select the different background check status and results you need to report on and click on ‘run’.
Q: Can I cancel all the volunteers who don’t pass their background checks?
A: Yes, we added the option to cancel the entire registrations for all volunteers who do not pass their background check.
Q: How?
A: If you need to cancel registrations, select the registrants and click on Cancel Registration
Fees: There is a $250 set-up fee for the background check integration.