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Virginie McNamar

If your event is cancelled or postponed here are some measures we recommend you take on your myTRS site with instructions on how to do it. 1. Site Updates

A. Cancellation/postponement notice on your TRS site home page Go to Edit on your site Go to Page Settings Under General Settings - modify your welcome page wording Save

B. Turn off your site and close it for Registration: Go to Edit on your site Under General Settings: - Change the registration end date to close your site - On the right side, uncheck the box "Show site on dashboard" Save

Please don’t make date/time changes to your existing site if you reschedule. Contact TRS at if you want to set up your new site.

2. Communications Have you sent a cancellation/postponement notice email to all your registrants?

If you have the text option activated for your site, have you sent a text message? Here are the steps to communicate with all of your registrants: From your dashboard, on the left menu click on Registrant Reports Click on Registration Report (Middle tile) At the bottom right , next to the "Cancel Registration" button, under display, select a higher number than your total number of registrants Click on Run Check the box in the headers to select all your registrants Click on Contact Selected. If you would like to send a text message as well and the feature was active on your site, repeat the steps above and under Contact Selected, click on the Text tab

3. Refunds

Please ensure that you follow your refund policy.

If the transaction is 3 months or older, you can’t refund directly from TRS. You will need to refund by check or through your credit card processor.

Your credit processor will charge a transaction fee for refunds. Consider refunds by check to save on transaction fees.

Some client’s refund policy is that all payments are donations in case of cancellation. Have you prepared to send donation documentation to your registrants? To refund a registration, go to the registration record. You can find it easily from a report or by using the quick search feature. If you are refunding a group registration, you will only be able to refund from the group record (click on the group tab and on the group name to access it) Go to the transaction tab and select the type of refund you would like to process (check or card) You can also process your refund by canceling the paid activity and selecting the refund option. If you have any questions you can always contact your myTRS account manager or send an email at

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